WCM/CARR 135-302, LLC

Wcm/carr 135-302, Llc was duly registered on 1999-04-26 as a Limited Liability Company, with its principal office located at 1200 6TH AVE, SUITE 700, SEATTLE, WA, 98101-3125, UNITED STATES. The company falls under the classification of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 23, which pertains to Real Property Investment. Presently, the business record indicates an Voluntarily Dissolved status. WCM/CARR 135-302, LLC's dissolution date was Oct 14 2019 and it had been operational for a period of 20 years 5 months, and 18 days since it registered.

Business Info
Business Name:
WCM/CARR 135-302, LLC
Date of Incorporation:
State Of Incorporation:
Voluntarily Dissolved
Expiration Date:
Limited Liability Company
Registered Office Address
Office Address:
1200 6TH AVE, SUITE 700, SEATTLE, WA, 98101-3125, UNITED STATES
Mailing Address:
1200 6TH AVE, SUITE 700, SEATTLE, WA, 98101-3125, UNITED STATES
Business registered on 1999-04-26
Business with the same first word
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